
Digital Storytelling

This is a video I created for my MEJO 121 – Digital Storytelling class that follows UNC student Caroline Damesek and explores a new club on UNC’s campus, the Lewis Coffee Culture Society. This club looks to expand knowledge about coffee culture worldwide from the United States to the Middle East to Vietnam.
This is a video I created for my MEJO 121 – Digital Storytelling class that follows UNC student Ashlyn Fortney and a club she founded on campus, Point of Ear (POE). POE is open to music lovers of all genres and looks to share the love of music across the community of Chapel Hill.


The image above is part of a Creative Assignment I had for my Advertising Class. We had to come up with a creative way to market Meantime Coffee, a non-profit coffee shop on UNC’s campus founded and run by UNC students, to other UNC students who hadn’t tried it before.

Public Relations

The slideshow above was created for my Public Relations class. We were tasked with creating a campaign for HonorBridge, a nonprofit organ donation and tissue recovery organization serving North Carolina and Virginia. HonorBridge wants to increase the percentage of people on UNC’s campus who are registered organ donors, and our solutions can be found in the presentation above.